The other night a friend asked me, “So what’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say Kris?” It’s
a simple enough question, one that should have an easy answer, but I couldn’t
think of how to answer it. I kept thinking, “What is the first thing
that comes to mind?” I ended up answering “swimmer” as a default, but even in
that moment I acknowledged that that was a lame answer seeing as I haven’t been
a competitive swimmer in almost 4 years. I didn’t give the question much
thought after that, but the next day I found myself going back to it.
Eventually I realized that I had given my default answer because it was easier
than trying to explain the real answer: Bendable.
I can’t just say that without some sort of explanation,
especially since it can give the implication that I’ll give in in all
situations. The majority of the time I’ll put other’s needs before my own and/or
will just go with the flow of things. I often find myself saying “I’m good with
whatever” or “I’d prefer to do this but if everyone else wants to do something
else that’s fine”. I don’t like to
impose on people and feel guilty if I know that someone has to go out of their
way for me, and I can find it difficult to be the one put in the position to
make a decision when that decision affects others. I think that’s because I
know that I’m capable of adapting to most situations, so unless it’s something
I’m super passionate about or have a strong opinion on, chances are I’m going
to be willing to bend, whether it’s a little bit or a lot. I often forget that
others are capable of being bendable as well.
Think about it: What's the first thing that comes to mind when someone says your name?