About Me

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Nashville, TN
I don't claim to be a profound writer, but I keep (well try to keep) this blog mainly to keep family and friends updated on things in my life when I'm away from home

Saturday, July 7, 2012

First Week Completed

            So the rest of the work week I ended up delivering bunk beds, which is one of my favorite jobs since you are not only getting to see how the components that were built in the workshop fit together, but also see the joy on the faces of the people we deliver them to. It was especially fun on the second day of delivering bunk beds because Jake was one of the volunteers with us (last year the only day we worked together was the Thursday during which we delivered bunk beds) and at the first place we went to deliver beds there were One Direction, Justin Bieber, and other tween idols plastered all over the walls of the bedroom and Jake randomly started singing (and dancing) “What Makes You Beautiful” and “Boyfriend”. It was even better when he danced with the power drill.  And then at the second place he attempted a James Bond move with the power drill.
            On our day off yesterday, a bunch of us decided to go horseback riding, which was a lot of fun…well except for the part when my horse wouldn’t always trot or gallop when I wanted her to. But the view was phenomenal and definitely worth the soreness I’m feeling today.
I made it through my first week on staff at Re-Member and am looking forward to seeing how the next few weeks go.

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