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Nashville, TN
I don't claim to be a profound writer, but I keep (well try to keep) this blog mainly to keep family and friends updated on things in my life when I'm away from home

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"If you could only listen to five songs…"

Today I was asked, “If you could only listen to five songs for the rest of your life what would they be?” After a lot of thought and debate, here’s the list (and reasons) I finally came up with:

I have absolutely loved this song since I first heard it almost 10 years ago (even the name of my blog is a line from this song). Its message is all about living life to its fullest and not losing ourselves in the day-to-day, which is something I sometimes forget to do.

This was the theme song of the 2010 START 2 retreat at Assumption College. I gave a talk on this retreat about the state of my faith and this song always reminds me that no matter how lost I get, God will always be there to give me a second chance.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that a Hanson song is on this list and honestly it was hard for me to narrow it down. But for me this song reminds me that it’s ok to let my guard down and let people see my heart. Also, it’s super fun to dance to.

This made the list for the simple reason of love. It comes in different forms and you can’t always see it, but it’s there; even when it’s not easy, it’s worth it.

Other than Melodime simply being amazing, we’ve all got reasons for fighting and just because something is hard it doesn’t mean we should give up. Recently I’ve had a hard time remembering my reasons for fighting, but thankfully I am blessed with beautiful people in my life who help remind me each and every day.

So, what are your five songs?

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