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Nashville, TN
I don't claim to be a profound writer, but I keep (well try to keep) this blog mainly to keep family and friends updated on things in my life when I'm away from home

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011: You Follow the Sound

            Ok so last night we were supposed to go to a movie, but for a couple different reasons that ended up not happening. Instead, Katherine, Steph and I set out to grab dinner. Instead of traveling west the second we left the dorm, we chose to venture east. We looked at a few restaurants and kept debating on which one to go into. We were standing outside an Afghan restaurant, Khyber Pass, trying to decide how adventurous we were going to be and I randomly pointed out a Care Bear tile that was part of the wall of the restaurant; that wound up being the decision maker (it was Good Luck Bear after all). It was a lot of fun. We sat at a table that was on an elevated platform thing, so we sat cross legged on cushions. We of course had to have traditional tea, and I even ventured to try the sauces for the bread (they were very spicy, but hey at least I tried them), and I have no idea what the dish I had was called but it was chicken in a yogurt sauce served over white rice (it was very good). I probably wouldn’t go back, but the experience was a lot of fun.
Today was a pretty typical day at work. Afterward I had decided to go see Girlfriend, an indie film that I had seen a trailer for ages ago and have really wanted to see (it premiered this weekend at a small theater in NYC). When I got to the theater and a lot more people were there than I was expecting. I ran into the 2 girls I met at the 100 Monkeys after party the other night and learned that they (Jackson, Jared, Ben G. and Ben J.) were going to be taking part in the Q&A that followed the movie (100 Monkeys did the score for the movie, and Jackson & Jared both acted and helped produce the movie). I knew there was going to be a Q&A but I thought it was just going to be with Justin Lerner (the director) and Evan Sneider (the male lead). I loved the movie. Evan reminded me very much of Michael (even though Evan has Down’s syndrome and Michael is autistic) and you could tell how genuinely excited he was about the movie (and he did a great job in it).
During the Q&A, there was no official moderator so Jackson stepped in (I got called “ma’am” (and not because I look old, but because of southern charm) when he called on me to ask a question). After the Q&A was over, we stood around for a bit to see if we could talk to the band, but it was kind of crazy. Ben G. ended up coming over to us though, and I asked him about a bracelet he was wearing (during the Q&A, it looked almost like my Re-Member bracelet, but it turned out to be for the Spencer Bell Legacy Project). I’m very glad I ended up going to the movie tonight (I thought about waiting until tomorrow to go); it turned out to be a great last Monday here in the city.

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