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Nashville, TN
I don't claim to be a profound writer, but I keep (well try to keep) this blog mainly to keep family and friends updated on things in my life when I'm away from home

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday, June 04, 2011: This=Love

            So this morning/afternoon we went on a Tour of the City via a Double Decker bus. Let’s just say they are AWESOME! I mean the tour was great too, and I loved learning about the city, but sitting on the top level of the bus was by far the highlight for me. We had to duck at some points because of trees and I’ve never been so close to a traffic light before (yes, you can judge me if you want). Anyways, the tour was a few hours long and ended with us having lunch at Hard Rock Café in Time Square. Around 3:30pm a group of us went to Central Park and walked around for a bit. We saw a bunch of people performing on roller-skates. There were 3 little kids who were skating and they were adorable! As we were walking through the park we could hear The Script doing a sound check and it got me really stoked for the concert tonight! After we stopped to listen to the sound check for a few minutes, we ended up watching street performers and they were hilarious and extremely entertaining (Afrobats, check them out). Once their performance was done everyone else went to Strawberry Fields, but I went to go wait in line for the concert with a few other people.
            We weren’t entirely sure what time the concert started because the tickets said doors were at 6:30, but online said the show started at 6:30, so we were there around 5:30 just to be on the safe side. The show didn’t start until like 7:30ish and Safety Suit was the opening band. I had never heard of them (or at least don’t think I had), but I ended up really enjoying their music. There were these really annoying drunk girls who were in front of me and they were being obnoxious the entire time. Thankfully by the time The Script came on, they had pushed their way through the crowd (so they were no longer anywhere near me!). In regards to The Script, I can sum up the entire performance in one word: AMAZING! They have a really great energy on stage, so in addition to their wonderful music, they are fun to watch. The only problem I had with the show was that they failed to play This=Love, which is one of my favorite songs off their new album. Hopefully they’ll play it on the Today Show on Friday. So while the concert was wonderful, getting back to NYU was a whole different story. What should have taken only 20 minutes, ended up taking an hour due to delays/issues with the track.
            So for it being my final day as a 20 year old, I’d say it was a very good end to a very different year. This past year has been filled with new experiences, new friendships, new challenges and a new discovery of myself. While things weren’t always easy, I wouldn’t change anything about the past year because it helped me to gain a new outlook on my life and values. I fully believe that all things happen for a reason, and can’t wait to see what this next year brings (I mean outside of the gained privilege of being to purchase and consume alcohol).

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