About Me

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Nashville, TN
I don't claim to be a profound writer, but I keep (well try to keep) this blog mainly to keep family and friends updated on things in my life when I'm away from home

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011: Lazy Sunday

            So first off, I can’t believe that we’ve been here for only two weeks (and that just one week ago I was celebrating my 21st birthday)! I know I’ve said this before but it seriously feels like I’ve known everyone for much longer than that.
            Anyways, today we went to the Big Apple BBQ in Madison Square Park (we were all about the Southern food this weekend). It was a lot bigger than I expected it to be (they had some streets closed off and multiple vendors). I ended up getting turkey, and it was the first time I’ve ever had BBQ without BBQ sauce. Though it was strange at first, I actually enjoyed it better than if there was sauce. We ended up just spending sometime in the park and then walked back to NYU. In Union Square they were having a festival type thing and we started line dancing to the band that was performing, other people even started joining in. after we got back we kind of just hung out for a bit, finished the journal entries for our “internship class”, went grocery shopping, etc. It was a very informal night and we wound up just watching the Tony’s in Steven’s room (seeing as he’s the only one of us who has a TV).
            Though today was kind of a slow day, it was much needed after the busy week we had. There are a bunch of things going on this week, so I’ll hopefully have a lot more interesting things to write about.

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