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Nashville, TN
I don't claim to be a profound writer, but I keep (well try to keep) this blog mainly to keep family and friends updated on things in my life when I'm away from home

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011: All You Need to Know

            Thursday wasn’t too eventful. My ankle started bothering me on Wednesday while running errands for work, and it was still sore so I went out to get an Ace bandage for it (it’s still bugging me 3 days later). I ended up going to Barnes & Noble to buy a book that the panelists recommended, All You Need to Know About the Music Business. The Barnes & Noble was 4 floors! Granted these floors weren’t the same size as a huge one floor store, but it was still a decent size (and slightly overwhelming). I’ve only read a few chapters of the book and so far it’s pretty good; I feel like I’ll learn a lot from it.
            That night I worked a show for my internship, Big Sam’s Funky Nation and Zigaboo Modeliste. I checked people in at the door who were there for Will Call or on the Guest List. It only got a little confusing when there was a huge rush of people or when people thought they were on the guest list and they weren’t (or they were supposed to be and their name got lost in the mix). Overall it was a good night. I’d been helping to promote this show so it was nice to hear the bands play (well I’d listen to it on YouTube, but Live music is always so much better). I’m sure this is just the first of many shows that I’ll be helping out with this summer (so it’s a good thing I enjoyed it).
            Steph had off from work yesterday, so we attempted to go to Central Park to just hang out and read. However the weather had a different plan for us. We had grabbed a bit to eat and by the time we hit the park, it started to drizzle. Thankfully we made the decision to head back to NYU because literally the second we got back to our room it was a torrential sideways downpour. Needless to say instead of reading outside, we ended up just staying in the rest of the day.
 Last night I finally got to see/hang out with everyone for pretty much the first time all week. We ended up going to Webster Hall which is a nightclub not too far away from NYU. While it was fun, it’s probably not a place I’ll want to go to again; it was expensive.
            Today is going to probably be fairly laid back. I think the plan is to go to the Central Park Zoo later this afternoon, which should be fun. Tonight Nate’s band has a show in NYC (so I’m obviously going). I finally don’t have to worry about whether or not I’m old enough to get in (seeing as the past few years, every show I tried to go to was always 21+ (with the exception of 1)).
            I can’t believe that tomorrow marks 3 weeks since I’ve been in the city! While it isn’t a lifestyle I would want to permanently adapt to, I definitely love it for the short term (something I never thought I would admit to). I love the fact I don’t have to drive places and that public transportation is so easy to use (once you get use to it). Who knows, maybe after graduation I may find myself in NYC for a few years (though the main goal is still to end up in Nashville).

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